#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import binascii import getpass import sys ## # from passlib.utils import pbkdf2 # deprecated from passlib.crypto.digest import pbkdf2_hmac def pskGen(ssid, passphrase): # raw_psk = pbkdf2.pbkdf2(str(passphrase), str(ssid), 4096, 32) # deprecated raw_psk = pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', str(passphrase), str(ssid), 4096, 32) hex_psk = binascii.hexlify(raw_psk) str_psk = hex_psk.decode('utf-8') return(str_psk) def parseArgs(): def essidchk(essid): essid = str(essid) if len(essid) > 32: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('The maximum length of an ESSID is 32 characters') return(essid) def passphrasechk(passphrase): if passphrase: is_piped = False passphrase = str(passphrase) if passphrase == '-': if sys.stdin.isatty(): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(('[STDIN] You specified a passphrase to be entered but did not ' 'provide one via a pipe.')) else: is_piped = True try: # WPA-PSK only accepts ASCII for passphrase. raw_pass = sys.stdin.read().encode('utf-8').decode('ascii').strip('\r').strip('\n') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('[STDIN] WPA-PSK passphrases must be an ASCII string') if not 7 < len(passphrase) < 64: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(('{0}WPA-PSK passphrases must be no shorter than 8 characters' ' and no longer than 63 characters. ' 'Please ensure you have provided the ' 'correct passphrase.').format(('[STDIN] ' if is_piped else ''))) return(passphrase) args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Generate a PSK from a passphrase') args.add_argument('-p', '--passphrase', dest = 'passphrase', default = None, type = passphrasechk, help = ('If specified, use this passphrase (otherwise securely interactively prompt for it). ' 'If "-" (without quotes), read from stdin (via a pipe). ' 'WARNING: THIS OPTION IS INSECURE AND MAY EXPOSE THE PASSPHRASE GIVEN ' 'TO OTHER PROCESSES ON THIS SYSTEM')) args.add_argument('ssid', metavar = 'ESSID', type = essidchk, help = ('The ESSID (network name) to use for this passphrase. ' '(This is required because WPA-PSK uses it to salt the key derivation)')) return(args) def main(): args = parseArgs().parse_args() if not args.passphrase: args.passphrase = getpass.getpass(('Please enter the passphrase for ' 'network "{0}" (will NOT echo back): ').format(args.ssid)) args.passphrase = args.passphrase.encode('utf-8').decode('ascii').strip('\r').strip('\n') if not 7 < len(args.passphrase) < 64: raise ValueError(('WPA-PSK passphrases must be no shorter than 8 characters' ' and no longer than 63 characters. ' 'Please ensure you have provided the correct passphrase.')) psk = pskGen(args.ssid, args.passphrase) print('PSK for network "{0}": {1}'.format(args.ssid, psk)) return() if __name__ == '__main__': main()