import logging import os import re ## from lxml import etree _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Mirror(object): def __init__(self, mirror_xml, repo = None, arch = None): self.xml = mirror_xml _logger.debug('mirror_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) self.uri = self.xml.text self.real_uri = None self.aif_uri = None def parse(self, chroot_base, repo, arch): self.real_uri = self.uri.replace('$repo', repo).replace('$arch', arch) if self.uri.startswith('file://'): self.aif_uri = os.path.join(chroot_base, re.sub(r'^file:///?', '')) class Package(object): def __init__(self, package_xml): self.xml = package_xml _logger.debug('package_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) = self.xml.text self.repo = self.xml.attrib.get('repo') if self.repo: self.qualified_name = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.repo, else: self.qualified_name = class Repo(object): def __init__(self, chroot_base, repo_xml, arch = 'x86_64'): # TODO: support Usage? ("REPOSITORY SECTIONS", pacman.conf(5)) self.xml = repo_xml _logger.debug('repo_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) # TODO: SigLevels?! = self.xml.attrib['name'] self.conflines = {} self.mirrors = [] self.parsed_mirrors = [] _mirrors = self.xml.xpath('mirror|include') # "Server" and "Include" respectively in pyalpm lingo. if _mirrors: for m in _mirrors: k = m.tag.title() if k == 'Mirror': k = 'Server' if k not in self.conflines.keys(): self.conflines[k] = [] self.conflines[k].append(m.text) # TODO; better parsing here. handle in # if m.tag == 'include': # # TODO: We only support one level of includes. Pacman supports unlimited nesting? of includes. # file_uri = os.path.join(chroot_base, re.sub(r'^/?', '', m.text)) # if not os.path.isfile(file_uri): # _logger.error('Include file ({0}) does not exist: {1}'.format(m.text, file_uri)) # raise FileNotFoundError('Include file does not exist') # with open(file_uri, 'r') as fh: # for line in else: # Default (mirrorlist) self.conflines['Include'] = ['file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'] self.enabled = (True if self.xml.attrib.get('enabled', 'true') in ('1', 'true') else False) self.siglevel = self.xml.attrib.get('sigLevel') # self.real_uri = None # if self.uri: # self.real_uri = self.uri.replace('$repo','$arch', arch)