import configparser import datetime import logging import os import uuid ## from . import _common _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Connection(_common.BaseConnection): def __init__(self, iface_xml): super().__init__(iface_xml) self.provider_type = 'NetworkManager' self.packages = set('networkmanager') = { ('/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service'): ('etc/systemd/system/' '' 'NetworkManager.service'), ('/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-dispatcher.service'): ('etc/systemd/system/' 'dbus-org.freedesktop.' 'nm-dispatcher.service'), ('/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service'): ('etc/systemd/' 'system/' '' 'NetworkManager-wait-online.service')} self.uuid = uuid.uuid4() def _initCfg(self):'Building config.') if self.device == 'auto': self.device = _common.getDefIface(self.connection_type) self._cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() self._cfg.optionxform = str self._cfg['connection'] = {'id':, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'type': self.connection_type, 'interface-name': self.device, 'permissions': '', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()} # We *theoretically* could do this in _initAddrs() but we do it separately so we can trim out duplicates. # TODO: rework this? we technically don't need to split in ipv4/ipv6 since ipaddress does that for us. for addrtype, addrs in self.addrs.items(): self._cfg[addrtype] = {} cidr_gws = {} # Routing if not self.is_defroute: self._cfg[addrtype]['never-default'] = 'true' if not['routes'][addrtype]: self._cfg[addrtype]['ignore-auto-routes'] = 'true' # DNS self._cfg[addrtype]['dns-search'] = (self.domain if self.domain else '') if not['resolvers'][addrtype]: self._cfg[addrtype]['ignore-auto-dns'] = 'true' # Address handling if addrtype == 'ipv6': self._cfg[addrtype]['addr-gen-mode'] = 'stable-privacy' if not addrs and not['addresses'][addrtype]: self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'ignore' elif['addresses'][addrtype]: if addrtype == 'ipv4': self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'auto' else: self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = ('auto' if['addresses'][addrtype] == 'slaac' else 'dhcp6') else: self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'manual' for idx, (ip, cidr, gw) in enumerate(addrs): if cidr not in cidr_gws.keys(): cidr_gws[cidr] = gw new_cidr = True else: new_cidr = False addrnum = idx + 1 addr_str = '{0}/{1}'.format(str(ip), str(cidr.prefixlen)) if new_cidr: addr_str = '{0},{1}'.format(addr_str, str(gw)) self._cfg[addrtype]['address{0}'.format(addrnum)] = addr_str # Resolvers for resolver in self.resolvers: if addrtype == 'ipv{0}'.format(resolver.version): if 'dns' not in self._cfg[addrtype]: self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'] = [] self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'].append(str(resolver)) if 'dns' in self._cfg[addrtype].keys(): self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'] = '{0};'.format(';'.join(self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'])) # Routes for idx, (dest, net, gw) in self.routes[addrtype]: routenum = idx + 1 self._cfg[addrtype]['route{0}'.format(routenum)] = '{0}/{1},{2}'.format(str(dest), str(net.prefixlen), str(gw)) self._initConnCfg()'Config built successfully.') # TODO: does this render correctly? # This is only for debug logging. _logout = {} for s in self._cfg.sections(): _logout[s] = dict(self._cfg[s]) _logger.debug('Config: {0}'.format(_logout)) return(None) def writeConf(self, chroot_base): cfgroot = os.path.join(chroot_base, 'etc', 'NetworkManager') cfgdir = os.path.join(cfgroot, 'system-connections') cfgpath = os.path.join(cfgdir, '{0}.nmconnection'.format( os.makedirs(cfgdir, exist_ok = True) with open(cfgpath, 'w') as fh: self._cfg.write(fh, space_around_delimiters = False) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfgroot): os.chown(root, 0, 0) for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(root, d) os.chown(dpath, 0, 0) for f in files: fpath = os.path.join(root, f) os.chown(fpath, 0, 0) os.chmod(cfgroot, 0o0755) os.chmod(cfgdir, 0o0700) os.chmod(cfgpath, 0o0600)'Wrote: {0}'.format(cfgpath)) return(None) class Ethernet(Connection): def __init__(self, iface_xml): super().__init__(iface_xml) self.connection_type = 'ethernet' self._initCfg() def _initConnCfg(self): self._cfg[self.connection_type] = {'mac-address-blacklist': ''} return(None) class Wireless(Connection): def __init__(self, iface_xml): super().__init__(iface_xml) self.connection_type = 'wireless' self._initCfg() def _initConnCfg(self): self._cfg['wifi'] = {'mac-address-blacklist': '', 'mode': 'infrastructure', 'ssid': self.xml.attrib['essid']} try: bssid = self.xml.attrib.get('bssid').strip() except AttributeError: bssid = None if bssid: bssid = _common.canonizeEUI(bssid) self._cfg['wifi']['bssid'] = bssid self._cfg['wifi']['seen-bssids'] = '{0};'.format(bssid) crypto = self.xml.find('encryption') if crypto: self.packages.add('wpa_supplicant') self._cfg['wifi-security'] = {} crypto = _common.convertWifiCrypto(crypto, self._cfg['wifi']['ssid']) # if crypto['type'] in ('wpa', 'wpa2', 'wpa3'): if crypto['type'] in ('wpa', 'wpa2'): # TODO: WPA2 enterprise self._cfg['wifi-security']['key-mgmt'] = 'wpa-psk' # if crypto['type'] in ('wep', 'wpa', 'wpa2', 'wpa3'): if crypto['type'] in ('wpa', 'wpa2'): self._cfg['wifi-security']['psk'] = crypto['auth']['psk'] return(None)