import configparser import datetime import ipaddress import os import uuid ## import aif.utils # TODO: auto dev assignment class Connection(object): def __init__(self, iface_xml): self.xml = iface_xml = self.xml.attrib['id'] self.device = self.xml.attrib['device'] self.is_defroute = aif.utils.xmlBool(self.xml.attrib.get('defroute', 'false')) self.domain = self.xml.attrib.get('searchDomain', None) self._cfg = None self.connection_type = None self.provider_type = 'NetworkManager' self.addrs = {'ipv4': set(), 'ipv6': set()} self.resolvers = [] self.uuid = uuid.uuid4() self._initAddrs() self._initResolvers() def _initAddrs(self): # These tuples follow either: # ('dhcp'/'dhcp6'/'slaac', None, None) for auto configuration # (ipaddress.IPv4/6Address(IP), CIDR, ipaddress.IPv4/6Address(GW)) for static configuration for addrtype in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): for a in self.xml.findall('addresses/{0}/address'.format(addrtype)): if a.text in ('dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'slaac'): addr = a.text net = None gw = None else: components = a.text.split('/') if len(components) > 2: raise ValueError('Invalid IP/CIDR format: {0}'.format(a.text)) if len(components) == 1: addr = components[0] if addrtype == 'ipv4': components.append('24') elif addrtype == 'ipv6': components.append('64') addr = ipaddress.ip_address(components[0]) net = ipaddress.ip_network('/'.join(components), strict = False) gw = ipaddress.ip_address(a.attrib.get('gateway')) self.addrs[addrtype].add((addr, net, gw)) self.addrs[addrtype] = list(self.addrs[addrtype]) return() def _initCfg(self): self._cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() self._cfg.optionxform = str self._cfg['connection'] = {'id':, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'type': self.connection_type, 'interface-name': self.device, 'permissions': '', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()} # We *theoretically* could do this in _initAddrs() but we do it separately so we can trim out duplicates. for addrtype, addrs in self.addrs.items(): self._cfg[addrtype] = {} cidr_gws = {} self._cfg[addrtype]['dns-search'] = (self.domain if self.domain else '') if addrtype == 'ipv6': self._cfg[addrtype]['addr-gen-mode'] = 'stable-privacy' if not addrs: self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'ignore' else: self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'manual' for idx, (ip, cidr, gw) in enumerate(addrs): if cidr not in cidr_gws.keys(): cidr_gws[cidr] = gw new_cidr = True else: new_cidr = False if addrtype == 'ipv4': if ip == 'dhcp': self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'auto' continue elif addrtype == 'ipv6': if ip == 'dhcp6': self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'dhcp' continue elif ip == 'slaac': self._cfg[addrtype]['method'] = 'auto' continue addrnum = idx + 1 addr_str = '{0}/{1}'.format(str(ip), str(cidr.prefixlen)) if new_cidr: addr_str = '{0},{1}'.format(addr_str, str(gw)) self._cfg[addrtype]['address{0}'.format(addrnum)] = addr_str for r in self.resolvers: if addrtype == 'ipv{0}'.format(r.version): if 'dns' not in self._cfg[addrtype]: self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'] = [] self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'].append(str(r)) if 'dns' in self._cfg[addrtype].keys(): self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'] = '{0};'.format(';'.join(self._cfg[addrtype]['dns'])) self._initConnCfg() return() def _initConnCfg(self): # A dummy method; this is overridden by the subclasses. # It's honestly here to make my IDE stop complaining. :) pass return() def _initResolvers(self): for r in self.xml.findall('resolvers/resolver'): resolver = ipaddress.ip_address(r.text) if resolver not in self.resolvers: self.resolvers.append(resolver) return() def writeConf(self, chroot_base): cfgroot = os.path.join(chroot_base, 'etc', 'NetworkManager') cfgdir = os.path.join(cfgroot, 'system-connections') cfgpath = os.path.join(cfgdir, '{0}.nmconnection'.format( os.makedirs(cfgdir, exist_ok = True) with open(cfgpath, 'w') as fh: self._cfg.write(fh, space_around_delimiters = False) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfgroot): os.chown(root, 0, 0) for d in dirs: dpath = os.path.join(root, d) os.chown(dpath, 0, 0) for f in files: fpath = os.path.join(root, f) os.chown(fpath, 0, 0) os.chmod(cfgroot, 0o0755) os.chmod(cfgdir, 0o0700) os.chmod(cfgpath, 0o0600) return() class Ethernet(Connection): def __init__(self, iface_xml): super().__init__(iface_xml) self.connection_type = 'ethernet' self._initCfg() def _initConnCfg(self): pass class Wireless(Connection): def __init__(self, iface_xml): super().__init__(iface_xml) self.connection_type = 'wireless' self._initCfg() def _initConnCfg(self): pass