import os import re import secrets import subprocess import tempfile import uuid ## import parse ## import aif.disk.block_fallback as block import aif.disk.lvm_fallback as lvm import aif.disk.mdadm_fallback as mdadm class LuksSecret(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.passphrase = None self.size = 4096 self.path = None class LuksSecretPassphrase(LuksSecret): def __init__(self, passphrase): super().__init__() self.passphrase = passphrase class LuksSecretFile(LuksSecret): # TODO: might do a little tweaking in a later release to support *reading from* bytes. def __init__(self, path, passphrase = None, bytesize = 4096): super().__init__() self.path = os.path.realpath(path) self.passphrase = passphrase self.size = bytesize # only used if passphrase == None self._genSecret() def _genSecret(self): if not self.passphrase: # TODO: is secrets.token_bytes safe for *persistent* random data? self.passphrase = secrets.token_bytes(self.size) if not isinstance(self.passphrase, bytes): self.passphrase = self.passphrase.encode('utf-8') return(None) class LUKS(object): def __init__(self, luks_xml, partobj): self.xml = luks_xml = self.xml.attrib['id'] = self.xml.attrib['name'] self.device = partobj self.source = self.device.devpath self.secrets = [] self.created = False self.locked = True if not isinstance(self.device, (block.Disk, block.Partition, lvm.LV, mdadm.Array)): raise ValueError(('partobj must be of type ' 'aif.disk.block.Disk, ' 'aif.disk.block.Partition, ' 'aif.disk.lvm.LV, or' 'aif.disk.mdadm.Array')) self.devpath = '/dev/mapper/{0}'.format( = None def addSecret(self, secretobj): if not isinstance(secretobj, LuksSecret): raise ValueError('secretobj must be of type aif.disk.luks.LuksSecret ' '(aif.disk.luks.LuksSecretPassphrase or ' 'aif.disk.luks.LuksSecretFile)') self.secrets.append(secretobj) return(None) def createSecret(self, secrets_xml = None): if not secrets_xml: # Find all of them from self for secret in self.xml.findall('secrets'): secretobj = None secrettypes = set() for s in secret.iterchildren(): secrettypes.add(s.tag) if all((('passphrase' in secrettypes), ('keyFile' in secrettypes))): # This is safe, because a valid config only has at most one of both types. kf = secret.find('keyFile') secretobj = LuksSecretFile(kf.text, # path passphrase = secret.find('passphrase').text, bytesize = kf.attrib.get('size', 4096)) # TECHNICALLY should be a no-op. elif 'passphrase' in secrettypes: secretobj = LuksSecretPassphrase(secret.find('passphrase').text) elif 'keyFile' in secrettypes: kf = secret.find('keyFile') secretobj = LuksSecretFile(kf.text, passphrase = None, bytesize = kf.attrib.get('size', 4096)) self.secrets.append(secretobj) else: secretobj = None secrettypes = set() for s in secrets_xml.iterchildren(): secrettypes.add(s.tag) if all((('passphrase' in secrettypes), ('keyFile' in secrettypes))): # This is safe, because a valid config only has at most one of both types. kf = secrets_xml.find('keyFile') secretobj = LuksSecretFile(kf.text, # path passphrase = secrets_xml.find('passphrase').text, bytesize = kf.attrib.get('size', 4096)) # TECHNICALLY should be a no-op. elif 'passphrase' in secrettypes: secretobj = LuksSecretPassphrase(secrets_xml.find('passphrase').text) elif 'keyFile' in secrettypes: kf = secrets_xml.find('keyFile') secretobj = LuksSecretFile(kf.text, passphrase = None, bytesize = kf.attrib.get('size', 4096)) self.secrets.append(secretobj) return(None) def create(self): if self.created: return(None) if not self.secrets: raise RuntimeError('Cannot create a LUKS volume with no secrets added') for idx, secret in enumerate(self.secrets): if idx == 0: # TODO: add support for custom parameters for below? # TODO: logging cmd = ['cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksFormat', '--type', 'luks2', '--key-file', '-', self.source], input = secret.passphrase) else: tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmpfile[1], 'wb') as fh: fh.write(secret.passphrase) cmd = ['cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksAdd', '--type', 'luks2', '--key-file', '-', self.source, tmpfile[1]], input = self.secrets[0].passphrase) os.remove(tmpfile[1]) self.created = True return(None) def lock(self): if not self.created: raise RuntimeError('Cannot lock a LUKS volume before it is created') if self.locked: return(None) # TODO: logging cmd = ['cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksClose',] self.locked = True return(None) def unlock(self, passphrase = None): if not self.created: raise RuntimeError('Cannot unlock a LUKS volume before it is created') if not self.locked: return(None) cmd = ['cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksOpen', '--key-file', '-', self.source,], input = self.secrets[0].passphrase) self.locked = False return(None) def updateInfo(self): if self.locked: raise RuntimeError('Must be unlocked to gather info') info = {} cmd = ['cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksDump', self.source] _info =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') k = None # I wish there was a better way to do this but I sure as heck am not writing a regex to do it. # _tpl = ('LUKS header information\nVersion: {header_ver}\nEpoch: {epoch_ver}\n' 'Metadata area: {metadata_pos} [bytes]\nKeyslots area: {keyslots_pos} [bytes]\n' 'UUID: {uuid}\nLabel: {label}\nSubsystem: {subsystem}\n' 'Flags: {flags}\n\nData segments:\n 0: crypt\n ' 'offset: {offset_bytes} [bytes]\n length: {crypt_length}\n ' 'cipher: {crypt_cipher}\n sector: {sector_size} [bytes]\n\nKeyslots:\n 0: luks2\n ' 'Key: {key_size} bits\n Priority: {priority}\n ' 'Cipher: {keyslot_cipher}\n Cipher key: {cipher_key_size} bits\n ' 'PBKDF: {pbkdf}\n Time cost: {time_cost}\n Memory: {memory}\n ' 'Threads: {threads}\n Salt: {key_salt} \n AF stripes: {af_stripes}\n ' 'AF hash: {af_hash}\n Area offset:{keyslot_offset} [bytes]\n ' 'Area length:{keyslot_length} [bytes]\n Digest ID: {keyslot_id}\nTokens:\nDigests:\n ' '0: pbkdf2\n Hash: {token_hash}\n Iterations: {token_iterations}\n ' 'Salt: {token_salt}\n Digest: {token_digest}\n\n') info = parse.parse(_tpl, _info).named for k, v in info.items(): # Technically we can do this in the _tpl string, but it's hard to visually parse. if k in ('af_stripes', 'cipher_key_size', 'epoch_ver', 'header_ver', 'key_size', 'keyslot_id', 'keyslot_length', 'keyslot_offset', 'keyslots_pos', 'memory', 'metadata_pos', 'offset_bytes', 'sector_size', 'threads', 'time_cost', 'token_iterations'): v = int(v) elif k in ('key_salt', 'token_digest', 'token_salt'): v = bytes.fromhex(re.sub(r'\s+', '', v)) elif k in ('label', 'subsystem'): if'\(no\s+', v.lower()): v = None elif k == 'flags': if v.lower() == '(no flags)': v = [] else: # Space-separated or comma-separated? TODO. v = [i.strip() for i in v.split() if i.strip() != ''] elif k == 'uuid': v = uuid.UUID(hex = v) = info return(None) def writeConf(self, conf = '/etc/crypttab'): if not self.secrets: raise RuntimeError('secrets must be added before the configuration can be written') conf = os.path.realpath(conf) with open(conf, 'r') as fh: conflines = # Get UUID disk_uuid = None uuid_dir = '/dev/disk/by-uuid' for u in os.listdir(uuid_dir): d = os.path.join(uuid_dir, u) if os.path.realpath(d) == self.source: disk_uuid = u if disk_uuid: identifer = 'UUID={0}'.format(disk_uuid) else: # This is *not* ideal, but better than nothing. identifer = self.source primary_key = self.secrets[0] luksinfo = '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\tluks'.format(, identifer, (primary_key.path if primary_key.path else '-')) if luksinfo not in conflines: with open(conf, 'a') as fh: fh.write('{0}\n'.format(luksinfo)) return(None)