import re ## import parted import psutil # Do I need this if I can have libblockdev's mounts API? Is there a way to get current mounts? ## import aif.constants import aif.utils from . import _common _BlockDev = _common.BlockDev class Partition(object): def __init__(self, part_xml, diskobj, start_sector, partnum, tbltype, part_type = None): # Belive it or not, dear reader, but this *entire method* is just to set attributes. if tbltype not in ('gpt', 'msdos'): raise ValueError('{0} must be one of gpt or msdos'.format(tbltype)) if tbltype == 'msdos' and part_type not in ('primary', 'extended', 'logical'): raise ValueError(('You must specify if this is a ' 'primary, extended, or logical partition for msdos partition tables')) aif.disk._common.addBDPlugin('part') self.xml = part_xml = part_xml.attrib['id'] self.table_type = getattr(_BlockDev.PartTableType, tbltype.upper()) if tbltype == 'msdos': # Could technically be _BlockDev.PartTypeReq.NEXT BUT that doesn't *quite* work # with this project's structure. if part_type == 'primary': self.part_type = _BlockDev.PartTypeReq.NORMAL elif part_type == 'extended': self.part_type = _BlockDev.PartTypeReq.EXTENDED elif part_type == 'logical': self.part_type = _BlockDev.PartTypeReq.LOGICAL self.flags = [] for f in self.xml.findall('partitionFlag'): # *Technically* we could use e.g. getattr(_BlockDev.PartFlag, f.text.upper()), *but* we lose compat # with parted's flags if we do that. :| So we do some funky logic both here and in the constants. if f.text in aif.constants.PARTED_BD_MAP: flag_id = aif.constants.BD_PART_FLAGS_FLAG_IDX[aif.constants.PARTED_BD_MAP[f.text]] elif f.text in aif.constants.BD_PART_FLAGS_FRIENDLY: flag_id = aif.constants.BD_PART_FLAGS_FLAG_IDX[aif.constants.BD_PART_FLAGS_FRIENDLY[f.text]] else: continue self.flags.append(_BlockDev.PartFlag(flag_id)) self.partnum = partnum self.fstype = self.xml.attrib['fsType'].lower() if self.fstype not in aif.constants.PARTED_FSTYPES: # There isn't a way to do this with BlockDev? :| raise ValueError(('{0} is not a valid partition filesystem type; ' 'must be one of: {1}').format(self.xml.attrib['fsType'], ', '.join(sorted(aif.constants.PARTED_FSTYPES)))) self.disk = diskobj self.device = self.disk.path self.devpath = '{0}{1}'.format(self.device.path, partnum) self.is_hiformatted = False sizes = {} for s in ('start', 'stop'): x = dict(zip(('from_bgn', 'size', 'type'), aif.utils.convertSizeUnit(self.xml.attrib[s]))) sectors = x['size'] if x['type'] == '%': sectors = int(self.device.getLength() / x['size']) else: sectors = int(aif.utils.size.convertStorage(x['size'], x['type'], target = 'B') / self.device.sectorSize) sizes[s] = (sectors, x['from_bgn']) if sizes['start'][1] is not None: if sizes['start'][1]: self.begin = sizes['start'][0] + 0 else: self.begin = self.device.getLength() - sizes['start'][0] # TODO: is there a way to get this in BD? else: self.begin = sizes['start'][0] + start_sector if sizes['stop'][1] is not None: if sizes['stop'][1]: self.end = sizes['stop'][0] + 0 else: # This *technically* should be - 34, at least for gpt, but the alignment optimizer fixes it for us. self.end = (self.device.getLength() - 1) - sizes['stop'][0] # TODO: is there a way to get this in BD? else: self.end = self.begin + sizes['stop'][0] # TECHNICALLY we could craft the Geometry object with "length = ...", but it doesn't let us be explicit # in configs. So we manually crunch the numbers and do it all at the end. # TODO: switch parted objects to BlockDev # self.geometry = parted.Geometry(device = self.device, # start = self.begin, # end = self.end) # self.filesystem = parted.FileSystem(type = self.fstype, # geometry = self.geometry) # self.partition = parted.Partition(disk = diskobj, # type = self.part_type, # geometry = self.geometry, # fs = self.filesystem) self.part_name = self.xml.attrib.get('name') # # def detect(self): # pass # TODO; blkinfo? class Disk(object): def __init__(self, disk_xml): # TODO: BlockDev.part.set_disk_flag(, # BlockDev.PartDiskFlag(1), # True) ?? # # self.xml = disk_xml self.devpath = self.xml.attrib['device'] self.is_lowformatted = None self.is_hiformatted = None self.is_partitioned = None self.partitions = None self._initDisk() aif.disk._common.addBDPlugin('part') def _initDisk(self): pass def diskFormat(self): pass def getPartitions(self): pass def partFormat(self): pass class Mount(object): def __init__(self, mount_xml, partobj): pass _common.addBDPlugin('fs')