# To reproduce sgdisk behaviour in v1 of AIF-NG: # https://gist.github.com/herry13/5931cac426da99820de843477e41e89e # https://github.com/dcantrell/pyparted/blob/master/examples/query_device_capacity.py # TODO: Remember to replicate genfstab behaviour. import re try: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/34812552/733214 # https://github.com/karelzak/util-linux/blob/master/libmount/python/test_mount_context.py#L6 import libmount as mount except ImportError: # We should never get here. util-linux is part of core (base) in Arch and uses "libmount". import pylibmount as mount ## import parted # https://www.gnu.org/software/parted/api/index.html import psutil ## from aif.utils import xmlBool, size # TODO: https://serverfault.com/questions/356534/ssd-erase-block-size-lvm-pv-on-raw-device-alignment PARTED_FSTYPES = sorted(list(dict(vars(parted.filesystem))['fileSystemType'].keys())) PARTED_FLAGS = sorted(list(parted.partition.partitionFlag.values())) IDX_FLAG = dict(parted.partition.partitionFlag) FLAG_IDX = {v: k for k, v in IDX_FLAG.items()} # parted lib can do SI or IEC. So can we. _pos_re = re.compile((r'^(?P-|\+)?\s*' r'(?P[0-9]+)\s*' # empty means size in sectors r'(?P%|{0}|)\s*$'.format('|'.join(size.valid_storage)) )) def convertSizeUnit(pos): orig_pos = pos pos = _pos_re.search(pos) if pos: pos_or_neg = (pos.group('pos_or_neg') if pos.group('pos_or_neg') else None) if pos_or_neg == '+': from_beginning = True elif pos_or_neg == '-': from_beginning = False else: from_beginning = pos_or_neg _size = int(pos.group('size')) amt_type = pos.group('pct_unit_or_sct').strip() else: raise ValueError('Invalid size specified: {0}'.format(orig_pos)) return((from_beginning, _size, amt_type)) class Partition(object): def __init__(self, part_xml, diskobj, start_sector, partnum, tbltype, part_type = None): if tbltype not in ('gpt', 'msdos'): raise ValueError('{0} must be one of gpt or msdos'.format(tbltype)) if tbltype == 'msdos' and part_type not in ('primary', 'extended', 'logical'): raise ValueError(('You must specify if this is a ' 'primary, extended, or logical partition for msdos partition tables')) self.xml = part_xml self.id = part_xml.attrib['id'] self.flags = set() for f in self.xml.findall('partitionFlag'): if f.text in PARTED_FLAGS: self.flags.add(f.text) self.flags = sorted(list(self.flags)) self.partnum = partnum if tbltype == 'msdos': if partnum > 4: self.part_type = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL else: if part_type == 'extended': self.part_type = parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED elif part_type == 'logical': self.part_type = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL else: self.part_type = parted.PARTITION_NORMAL self.fstype = self.xml.attrib['fsType'].lower() if self.fstype not in PARTED_FSTYPES: raise ValueError(('{0} is not a valid partition filesystem type; ' 'must be one of: {1}').format(self.xml.attrib['fsType'], ', '.join(sorted(PARTED_FSTYPES)))) self.disk = diskobj self.device = self.disk.device self.devpath = '{0}{1}'.format(self.device.path, partnum) self.is_hiformatted = False sizes = {} for s in ('start', 'stop'): x = dict(zip(('from_bgn', 'size', 'type'), convertSizeUnit(self.xml.attrib[s]))) sectors = x['size'] if x['type'] == '%': sectors = int(self.device.getLength() / x['size']) else: sectors = int(size.convertStorage(x['size'], x['type'], target = 'B') / self.device.sectorSize) sizes[s] = (sectors, x['from_bgn']) if sizes['start'][1] is not None: if sizes['start'][1]: self.begin = sizes['start'][0] + 0 else: self.begin = self.device.getLength() - sizes['start'][0] else: self.begin = sizes['start'][0] + start_sector if sizes['stop'][1] is not None: if sizes['stop'][1]: self.end = sizes['stop'][0] + 0 else: # This *technically* should be - 34, at least for gpt, but the alignment optimizer fixes it for us. self.end = (self.device.getLength() - 1) - sizes['stop'][0] else: self.end = self.begin + sizes['stop'][0] # TECHNICALLY we could craft the Geometry object with "length = ...", but it doesn't let us be explicit # in configs. So we manually crunch the numbers and do it all at the end. self.geometry = parted.Geometry(device = self.device, start = self.begin, end = self.end) self.filesystem = parted.FileSystem(type = self.fstype, geometry = self.geometry) self.partition = parted.Partition(disk = diskobj, type = self.part_type, geometry = self.geometry, fs = self.filesystem) for f in self.flags[:]: flag_id = FLAG_IDX[f] if self.partition.isFlagAvailable(flag_id): self.partition.setFlag(flag_id) else: self.flags.remove(f) if tbltype == 'gpt' and self.xml.attrib.get('name'): # The name attribute setting is b0rk3n, so we operate on the underlying PedPartition object. # https://github.com/dcantrell/pyparted/issues/49#issuecomment-540096687 # https://github.com/dcantrell/pyparted/issues/65 # self.partition.name = self.xml.attrib.get('name') _pedpart = self.partition.getPedPartition() _pedpart.set_name(self.xml.attrib.get('name')) def detect(self): pass class Disk(object): def __init__(self, disk_xml): self.xml = disk_xml self.devpath = self.xml.attrib['device'] self._initDisk() def _initDisk(self): self.tabletype = self.xml.attrib.get('diskFormat', 'gpt').lower() if self.tabletype in ('bios', 'mbr', 'dos'): self.tabletype = 'msdos' validlabels = parted.getLabels() if self.tabletype not in validlabels: raise ValueError(('Disk format {0} is not valid for this architecture;' 'must be one of: {1}'.format(self.tabletype, ', '.join(list(validlabels))))) self.device = parted.getDevice(self.devpath) self.disk = parted.freshDisk(self.device, self.tabletype) self.is_lowformatted = False self.is_hiformatted = False self.is_partitioned = False self.partitions = [] return() def diskFormat(self): if self.is_lowformatted: return() # This is a safeguard. We do *not* want to low-format a disk that is mounted. for p in psutil.disk_partitions(all = True): if self.devpath in p: raise RuntimeError('{0} is mounted; we are cowardly refusing to low-format it'.format(self.devpath)) self.disk.deleteAllPartitions() self.disk.commit() self.is_lowformatted = True self.is_partitioned = False return() def getPartitions(self): # For GPT, this *technically* should be 34 -- or, more precisely, 2048 (see FAQ in manual), but the alignment # optimizer fixes it for us automatically. # But for DOS tables, it's required. if self.tabletype == 'msdos': start_sector = 2048 else: start_sector = 0 self.partitions = [] xml_partitions = self.xml.findall('part') for idx, part in enumerate(xml_partitions): partnum = idx + 1 if self.tabletype == 'gpt': p = Partition(part, self.disk, start_sector, partnum, self.tabletype) else: parttype = 'primary' if len(xml_partitions) > 4: if partnum == 4: parttype = 'extended' elif partnum > 4: parttype = 'logical' p = Partition(part, self.disk, start_sector, partnum, self.tabletype, part_type = parttype) start_sector = p.end + 1 self.partitions.append(p) return() def partFormat(self): if self.is_partitioned: return() if not self.is_lowformatted: self.diskFormat() # This is a safeguard. We do *not* want to partition a disk that is mounted. for p in psutil.disk_partitions(all = True): if self.devpath in p: raise RuntimeError('{0} is mounted; we are cowardly refusing to low-format it'.format(self.devpath)) if not self.partitions: self.getPartitions() if not self.partitions: return() for p in self.partitions: self.disk.addPartition(partition = p, constraint = self.device.optimalAlignedConstraint) self.disk.commit() p.devpath = p.partition.path p.is_hiformatted = True self.is_partitioned = True return() class Mount(object): def __init__(self, mount_xml, partobj): self.xml = mount_xml pass