= libsecret/gosecret Brent Saner :doctype: book :docinfo: shared :data-uri: :imagesdir: images :sectlinks: :sectnums: :sectnumlevels: 7 :toc: preamble :toc2: left :idprefix: :toclevels: 7 :source-highlighter: rouge image::https://pkg.go.dev/badge/r00t2.io/gosecret.svg[link="https://pkg.go.dev/r00t2.io/gosecret"] This project is originally forked from https://github.com/gsterjov/go-libsecret[go-libsecret^] due to: * Lack of response from the developer * Complete lack of documentation * Poor, ineffecient, or just plain antipattern design * Missing functionality and as such, hopefully this library should serve as a more effective libsecret/SecretService interface. == Backwards Compatability/Drop-In Replacement Support Version series `v0.X.X` of this library promises full and non-breaking backwards support of API interaction with the original project. The only changes should be internal optimizations, adding documentation, some file reorganizing, adding Golang module support, etc. -- all transparent from the library API itself. To use this library as a replacement without significantly modifying your code, you can simply use a `replace` directive: // TODO: did I do this correctly? I never really use replacements so someone PR if this is incorrect. .go.mod [source] ---- // ... replace ( github.com/gsterjov/go-libsecret dev => r00t2.io/gosecret v0 ) ---- and then run `go mod tidy`. == New Developer API Starting from `v1.0.0` onwards, entirely breaking changes can be assumed from the original project. To use the new version, [source,go] ---- import ( `r00t2.io/gosecret/v1` ) ---- To reflect the absolute breaking changes, the module name changes as well from `libsecret` to `gosecret`. === Status The new API is underway, and all functionality in V0 is present. However, it's not "complete". https://github.com/johnnybubonic/gosecret/pulls[PRs^] welcome, of course, but this will be an ongoing effort for a bit of time. == SecretService Concepts For reference: * A `*Service*` allows one to retrieve and operate on/with `*Session*` and `*Collection*` objects. * A `*Session*` allows one to operate on/with `*Item*` objects (e.g. parsing/decoding/decrypting them). * A `*Collection*` allows one to retrieve and operate on/with `*Item*` objects. * An `*Item*` allows one to retrieve and operate on/with `*Secret*` objects. (`*Secrets*` are considered "terminating objects" in this model, and contain actual secret value(s) and metadata). Various interactions are handled by `*Prompts*`. So the object hierarchy in *theory* looks kind of like this: ---- Service ├─ Session "A" ├─ Session "B" ├─ Collection "A" │ ├─ Item "A.1" │ │ ├─ Secret "A_1_a" │ │ └─ Secret "A_1_b" │ └─ Item "A.2" │ ├─ Secret "A_2_a" │ └─ Secret "A_2_b" └─ Collection "B" ├─ Item "B.1" │ ├─ Secret "B_1_a" │ └─ Secret "B_1_b" └─ Item "B.2" ├─ Secret "B_2_a" └─ Secret "B_2_b" ---- And so on. In *practice*, however, most users will only have two Session types: * a default "system" one, and * a temporary one that may or may not exist, running in memory for the current login session and a single Collection, named `login` (and aliased to `default`, usually). == Usage Full documentation can be found via inline documentation. Either via the https://pkg.go.dev/r00t2.io/gosecret[pkg.go.dev documentation^] or https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc[`godoc`^] (or `go doc`) in the source root. //// However, here's a quick demonstration. ////